Thursday, March 21, 2024

Game creation

Gotten my students to create the sorting game. Purpose is for them to apply what they have learned under the roles of different stakeholders and the different approaches in sustainable development. 

The game Vortex from classtool is easy to use and free with no need for login. 

  1. Click on create game @
  2. Create the first game on how effective are stakeholders in sustainable tourism development.
  3. Input the title of the game e.g. How effective are Stakeholders in sustainable tourism development?
  4. Category title: Government, International Organisations, Businesses, Community, Tourist (Any 4)
  5. Key in the main points associated with the stakeholder including the strengths, limitations and examples - remember only essential key points (short phrase) which the player can sort into the different categories (stakeholders)
  6. Save the game with a password so that you can edit it again. Copy the url of your game to the spreadsheet 
  7. Create the second game on how effective are the different approaches in sustainable tourism development. Input the title of the game e.g. How effective are the approaches in sustainable tourism development?
  8. Category title: Ecotourism, Pro-poor, Community-based Tourism
  9. Key in the main points associated with the approaches including the strengths, limitations and examples - remember only essential key points (short phrase) which the player can sort into the different categories (approaches)
  10. Save the game with a password so that you can edit it again. Copy the url of your game to the spreadsheet.
1. It directed the students to read and understand before they can extract the main points and categorize them.
2. It is more engaging as they are creating a game rather than just reading from their notes or playing it. To create is highest level in bloom learning taxonomy.

Cons -
1. Some students are able to create the game fast but some are lagging behind.
Area for improvement: To get those who have completed the games to play the games created and add in some comments. 
2. Some of the clues/points are relevant to not only one category so it is difficult to sort.
Area for improvement: This can also be a teachable moment that even if a point is relevant, they must clearly show how different it is applied e.g. who participated in decision making. 

Example of game created by students:
JH on stakeholders

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