Sunday, March 27, 2022

Google Earth for Coastal Studies

Gotten the students to explore the South coast of England (Seaton ) using Google Earth. I have place marked 7 sites for them to study the coastal features and processes. 

You can access the Google Earth file here -  

Using the ruler function, they could measure the length and width of the spit. They could also infer the direction of the longshore drift using the north arrow and observing how the spit has extended from the land towards the sea across the river mouth. 

The ability to conduct virtual fieldwork without being there physically. 

Google Earth also allowed authentic learning as they make comparison of the scale in the real world and make observations using virtual reality. 

Pleasantly surprised this time round to see two students screenshot and annotate on them what I highlighted on the coastal features using Google Earth. Students are motivated to apply their learning and make observations from the Google Earth real life images. 

Google Earth instruction for coast -

Google Earth worksheet for coast -