
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mangroves in Southeast Asia

I am always fascinated with mangroves and have visited some in SE Asia. Sad that I have not kept any photos in the 90s such as those at Punggol end which we visited in a Geography camp. 

The following are examples I have taken in Sungei Buloh Wetland.

The pencil-like breathing root of the Avicennia 

The knee-like or knob-like roots of the Bruguiera
The prop roots of the Rhizophora 
Update on another species, Sonneratia mangrove, near the jetty at Pulau Ubin. It has a more rounded breathing root sticking out of the ground.


I have decided to share the photos I have taken of mangroves in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Thailand. You are free to use the photos for your lessons.

SGLDC sharing on VR LJ and simulated fieldwork

Just some reflection on our sharing in SGLDC Virtual Meet II on 23 Nov 2020.

The SGLDC team should be sharing all the video recordings and slides of what had been shared soon. For those who have yet to join the SGLDC Facebook group (only for MOE staff) do join in and check out what the others have generously shared! 

I like that Madeline has touched on CCPD 360 resources as well as the use of Kuula in adding information to 360 images to give the students a more enriched virtual learning experience. I have shown how Google Earth can be used with other Google tools in VR simulations. Both our sharing are more teacher centric with resources the teachers can use and create for their students. Theophillia sharing is more student centric as she empowered her students to create using VR devices and the Cospaces Edu app. This enable the students to create a personalised VR learning experience and to attain the highest cognitive process on Bloom's taxonomy. 

 A screenshot of the slides I shared:

Use of Google Earth for inquiry based learning and GI
Sec 1 Google Earth

Human Geog Google Earth  https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/sec-4-geography/google-earth

Virtual Coastal GI and simulated Fieldwork - https://tinyurl.com/coastalGIVR

And if you would like me to share the SLS lessons (5 stages) which I modified the field site to Lorong Halus for the new Sec 1 syllabus 2021 - please fill up this form via ICON email address https://tinyurl.com/lilysharesls

I will do so after I have collated the list by end of Nov 2020.
(easier to just add from the collated csv- thanks)

Friday, November 13, 2020

New GI Stages & SLS activities

There are 5 Stages in the new syllabus for Geographical Investigation with the newly introduced stage of suggesting improvements and taking actions. I also like it that the activities for the Sec 1 is now in the form of SLS lessons. There are a total 29 SLS lessons for the Sec 1 new syllabus based on diagnostic, knowledge acquisition, geography in practice, self-check and skills practice. A separate 5 SLS lessons have been designed for the Sec 1 GI on Water (Kallang river and Jurong Lake) as well as GI on Tropical Rainforest..

The list of SLS lessons for the new syllabus is available here: go.gov.sg/lsg001

I would propose creating a folder 2021 Sec 1 in My Drive and after you made a copy, save it in the folder. I would also suggest replacing copy of with a number (two digits e.g.01) so that the lessons are in sequence.

I have modified the one on Water GI to that on Lorong Halus Wetland beside the Serangoon River & Reservoir. I will be sharing the one I have modified. 

Please do refer to this shared excel on the SLS lessons related to Geography:

I would really like to encourage all to join in SGLDC!
I find the above features very useful. You can also read some of my posts on SLS:

Monday, November 9, 2020

Sharing on SGLDC

Registration for participants to join the SgLDC League Virtual Meet II on 23 Nov 2020 (Mon)!  is now open!


You can pick and choose any session of your choice! SGLDC admin will be using the self-select breakout rooms feature in Zoom so that you can choose any breakout rooms that will best meet your learning needs! 
Do note that you need to upgrade your Zoom version to 5.3.0 and above and sign in using desktop client or mobile app on that day to enjoy this feature. Currently there are 11 topics/breakout rooms. I am sharing on VR LJ and simulations with Madeline and Theophilia Group 2. 
I have modified the 5 SLS lessons on water GI to that of Lorong Halus wetland next to Serangoon Reservoir. If you are interested - I can share w you too.

Geography Programme


Showcasing what we do for Geography in our school from Sec 1 to Sec 4 over the last two years. You can see the increased use of ICT to overcome the challenge of COVID this year.

I have saved the powerpoint slides as MP4 video. Then insert the video file with some video clips and music into Powerdirector. Pleasantly surprised that the animated gif in my slides is also animated in the video. By saving the powerpoint slides as a video file make the video production fast. This is similar to that of converting keynote in iPad to video by exporting it.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Geog Challenge using Google Form

I assigned to the  Sec 1 students the following quiz on map reading and basic skills using Google Form.
You can make a copy of the form here: 


I have always love Google Form for being able to assess the students quickly and the responses are collated instantly which allows me to see their learning gaps. Screenshots of the above form.

I was also able to add on the certfy'em which will generate a certificate and send it to the students once they achieve a percentage pass you have designated e.g. 70% One of the girls was so excited she asked if she can print and keep in her report book.

Certify'em is a Google Forms Add-on that makes it possible for you to automatically issue certificates to people who successfully complete your Google Form.The certificate is emailed to the respondent immediately upon completion of the quiz with the personalised name and date. Just customise the template on Google slide with {{Full Name}} and {{Date2}} then add on in Google Form by clicking on Add-on Certifyém. choosing the custom template. Shall introduce this to my other colleagues as even for CCA we are using Google form to certify them for the different badges - would be good to add on this on successful completion of the assessment.

List of merged tag you can use with the custom cert
You can make a copy of this Google Slide template which I created and save it in your drive to use as a customised template for Certify'em extension on Google form - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jNtm7CUru-YYJMVWAHCHSmg29pbfA_mKtDsFgpSqZGQ/copy

Remember to publish the Google slide template to the web (you can select this from the drop down under  File menu)

Remember the amazing race Geohunt integrating Weather GI which I created using Google form?
I could get the teams to rotate on the stations using section choice in Google Form. The points are automatically calculated and I could announce the winner immediately after the race. I received a thank you note from a student who gotten get O level results that it was most memorable learning experience she had. Made my day!

The following are the Google forms I created which I added certify'em. I gave the form to the students as a form of checklist after I have covered every topic and they enjoyed receiving the certificate.
I was pleasantly surprised when a boy came up to me and ask me for the next one and I had to tell him we still have one more part to finish up the chapter. It's always a joy to see the students excited about learning.

Feedback via Google forms 

You can make a copy and add the Certy'em in order to generate the certificate which will be emailed to the student. If you want to use your own template for the cert, make sure your publish to the web the Google slide of your customised template.

PG Weather and Climate 


Elective Weather and climate 


Food resources 

Elective Food resources

Tourism https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18vmnpi-pahbu7BWjXK_OItq62s9PFyPAIVP05bIl1u8/copy

Tectonic Hazards https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1RYAc4kwk88tT9c7GKOo61am_A457kMhNv1EN6-8s6wY/copy

PG Coasts https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ayur7IuwVsnEZyD2tDBKGZjdT4uYShV7CoKirRzdQ0o/copy

PG Health and Diseases  
