Thursday, March 28, 2013

Differentiated instructions

Attending a course on differentiation instructions by Master Teacher Vijaya. Definitely brings about a new understanding on what is DI.
Videos on DI available @

The sharing of the implementation of DI on 16 Apr was an enriching session. DI difinitely requires proactive planning and I must say all the presenters have put in a lot of efforts preparing for the DI lessons.
Learned some useful ideas:
One group use potatoes to show contour - of course you have to find one which is asymmetrical to show steep and gentle slope but it is an interesting idea.
Another group shared on a lesson based on DI on the economic and social impacts of rising sea level. Different resources are given to the different ability group - one with more photos and another with photos plus write-up which is more guided.

One group which presented a lesson on evaluating the effectiveness of adaptations and responses to earthquakes in various countries. The students were grouped according to their readiness/interest. The weaker group was given short news articles. The gaming group  was given  a laptop to play a game  on natural disasters: The advance group was given the task to research on USGS website, choropleth maps

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