Monday, September 13, 2021

Google Earth and Google Suite

Really grateful to Google Earth and Google Suite for enabling the students to continue in their Geographical Investigation despite the pandemic.

Would really love to share with the other Geography teachers how we carried it out and how they can adapt it for their school!

Do join in the Geog symposium as I will be sharing with my colleague in one of the concurrent session.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Feedback using Google Form

Feedback can improve a student's confidence, self-awareness and enthusiasm for learning. I would issue a Google form for feedback after each topic is taught. The form will contain a checklist of the learning objectives for the topic as well as how best they learned and what they felt could be better. 

An article published in the Annual Review of Psychology reported that students are most successful when their schools emphasize growth and mastery. When students reflect on what they have learned, they gain confidence in learning, and their teachers can better design lessons to build on existing mastery.
You can make a copy of the forms which I have included at the bottom of this post.
With Google Form would like to introduce Certify'em, a Google Form Add-on, which can automatically issue certificates to people who successfully complete your Google Form. I used Certifyém and it is so impressive. The certificate is emailed to the respondent immediately upon completion of the feedback form with the personalised name and date. 

Just customise the template on Google slide with {{Full Name}} and {{Date2}} then add on in Google Form by clicking on Add-on Certifyém. choosing the custom template.

List of merged tag you can use with the custom cert
You can make a copy of this Google Slide template which I created and save it in your drive to use as a customised template for Certify'em extension on Google form -

Remember to publish the Google slide template to the web (you can select this from the drop down under  File menu)

The following are the Google forms I created which I added certify'em. I gave the students as a form of checklist after I have covered every topic and they enjoyed receiving the certificate.
I was pleasantly surprised when a boy came up to me and ask me for the next one and I had to tell him we still have one more part to finish up the chapter. It's always a joy to see the students excited about learning. I have also learned from the feedback the areas which the students are not so confident in as well as getting feedback from them how and what they would like to learn more.

Feedback for the various topics:

PG Weather and Climate

Elective Weather and climate

Food resources

Elective Food resources


Tectonic Hazards

PG Coasts

PG Health and Diseases