Sunday, July 21, 2013

Role play game

Saw this on TVBJ MI challenge on 21 July 2013- a competition between 2 groups of students on the topic of GM food. There is a box in the centre which contains strips of paper in which the different roles which they have to assume are written on the papers.

The representative from team 1 will pick up a piece of the paper e.g. scientist - he/she has to talk about GM food assuming the role of a scientist. The representative from team 2 pick up a piece of the paper e.g. local farmer - he/she has to talk about GM food assuming the role of a farmer. Points will be awarded according to the accuracy of the points presented and that it must be relevant to the role they assumed.

Love this idea and would like to share with all of you. As the student assume the different role, they would see GM food in different perspective - both positive and negative. e.g in the show, the "scientist" mentioned how GM food would solve the world food shortage problem and the "local farmer" express concern over the high cost of GM seeds and the competition from farmers who produce GM food crops.

This would also test them to think on their feet as well as to know the content well enough to assume the role they have drawn. 
We would also be able to apply this  game to other topics as well.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Google Earth - tectonic plates

Kmz file on Tectonic Plates - please ensure you have already downloaded Google Earth. Click and expand Places on the side menu on your left. You should see the placemarks 1 to 6 classified under the 3 types of plate boundaries. Double click on each placemark to find out more about the landforms formed at the respective plate boundaries.
Animation on labeling parts of a composite volcano: - this will help students better understand the parts of a composite volcano.

 The worksheet for the lesson :You might want to also check out the following animations on how volcano and crater lake are formed. 
Crater Lake

You can also access the following to better understand types of volcano and damage from earthquakes.
Interesting flash on making your own volcano - understand the difference between a composite and a shield volcano