Saturday, April 14, 2018

Coastal studies at ECP

Carried out the coastal studies with one group of students (40) in 2016 and 2 groups of students in 2018 - 28 on 7 April 2018 and 29 on 14 April 2018

Fieldwork Procedure for Field Site A  Activity 1
ACTIVITY 1: How does the wind direction and wind speed affect the movement of sediments?    
FIELD SITE A:  Between Breakwater 4 and 5

• Float (an orange) use to represent beach materials 
• Ranging Poles
Resource pack containing 1.Weather tracker 2. clinometer 3. stopwatch 4. tally-counter 5. measuring tape
• Compass (with phone app)

1. Briefly describe the weather conditions (wind, temperature, rainfall, etc.) 
2. Sketch the coastline observed at Site A in Fig. 1 of your handout. 
3. Observe and record the following in Fig 1: 
     a. compass north  
     b. wind and wave direction 
4. Use the equipment provided and describe how your group went about collecting the data and explain the chosen procedure.
5. Observe the drifting of the beach materials and what happens when it meets the groyne. You can record your observations in written form, video or oral recording. 
6. Record the wave frequency for 5 minutes using the stopwatch and T-counter app. Calculate the wave frequency per min by dividing the total count by 5.

Fieldwork Procedure for Field Site B   Activity 2
ACTIVITY 2: What happens to the movement of beach materials when there is/are human management structures (breakwaters)? 

FIELD SITE B:  Beach area next to Breakwater 5 in front of bicycle rental shop

• Measuring tape
• Ranging Poles
• Resource pack containing 1.Weather tracker 2. clinometer 3. stopwatch 4. tally-counter 5. measuring tape
• Clinometer (with phone app)

1. Briefly describe the weather conditions (wind, temperature, rainfall, etc.) 
2. Sketch the coastline observed at Sites B1 or B2 in Fig. 2.  
3. Observe and record the following in Fig 2: a. compass north  b. wind and wave direction   
4. Use the equipment provided and describes how your group went about collecting the data and explain the chosen procedure. 
5. Using the measuring tape and clinometer, construct the beach profile.
6. Measure the gradient on both sides of the breakwater using the clinometer app.

Fieldwork Procedure for Field Site C ( Activities 3 and 4)   
FIELD SITE C: Pavilion on the beach in front of the bicycle rental shop

Activity 3: Interview 
Interview at least 5 persons at the park.  

Activity 4: Bipolar Evaluation 
Evaluate the human management structure – groyne and breakwaters using the bipolar evaluation form. 

More Photos from fieldwork 9 April 2016 :







More photos from fieldwork 14 April here

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