Friday, April 1, 2016

Humanities Network sharing 2016 - Google sites

My sharing with the teachers in the humanities teachers on the use of Google Site for self-directed and collaborative learning. 

The use of google site allow students to be self-directed in their learning as they can select, manage, and assess their own learning activities any time beyond their curriculum time. To further engage the students in their learning, interactive resources such as Zaption interactive videos and Quizlet can be embedded into the Google site. 

Physical Geography Lessons  
Human Geography Lessons

Inquiry-based learning is infused through geographical investigation using the Google Site. The use of Google site helps the groups direct their geographical inquiry collaboratively as well as allowing them to review the steps needed in the geographical investigation to encourage self-directed learning. An example will be an inquiry on water quality by the Secondary 1 students from Edgefield Secondary School. I have also used Google sites to guide the students for GI on Coastal Studies and Tourism

Sec 1 GI on Water Resources 2015
Sec 3 GI on Coastal studies @East Coast Park
Sec 4 GI on Tourism @ Chinatown

I have created two more google sites in 2017 - 
Sec 1
Sec 2

Its also great for sharing resources among the department teachers as it is a secured platform which access permission can be controlled - only share with a certain group of people - intranet.

Google site from Lily Teo Hp

As I learn, I share. As I share, I learn.

I am happy that I have learned from the sharing of other teachers too. I would like to highlight in particular two of the sharing which I personally would like to try out.

Enhancing Students’ Subject Literacy for Open-ended 
Dayan Tan Ying Peng from Juying Secondary School
Dayan showed us how the school use the SMRT (Samples, Marking & Modelling, Rubrics, Template & Techniques) strategy to train students to become more competent writers in open-ended questions (level descriptor question).

From creating a writing framework for the students to designing a rubrics for them to see how they can attain the various level of competency. I also love how modelling is done using process writing and how the the teacher allows the student to see their competency level in their writing by indication it in the marking.

Love the techniques using acronym 123 - 1 stand, 2 sides, 3 points  as we had been using PEEL - point, explain, example and link.

Literacy Support for Students Interpretation of Visual Data in Geography
Linda Ng, Yvonne Poh, Nohani, Yamin, Leong Shu Jun from Jurongville Secondary School.

The teachers designed lesson activities to provide more literacy support and scaffolding with the hope that students can better make use of content vocabulary to express their thoughts more clearly and confidently when interpreting visual data.

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