Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Data Representation in Geographical Fieldwork

Some useful resources on data techniques from the course today. https://sites.google.com/a/moe.edu.sg/data-representation-workshop/home
e.g the videos on how to use the following:
There were sharing by Unity and Bowen Sec in the use of mGeo for fieldwork in micro-climate study. As mGeo is not available in the android market, I am more interested in the use of Google map in data representation.
To find the latitudes and longitudes of sites which you are collating the data - log onto to Google Map, right click on the location of the site and then click on the green marker and the latitude and longitude will be shown.

The following are the various sites in my school.
Latitude Longitude
Parade Square 1.37523 103.902154
Pond 1.374768 103.902581
Canteen 1.37479 103.902141
Basketball court 1.374162 103.902117

A google form is generated for the group to enter the respective data they have created:

The data which the group enter will appear on the spread sheet in Google Doc. Download it as a csv file.

Go to https://mapsengine.google.com/map/u/0/ and click on "new map"
 Click on "import"   

Import the csv file which you have downloaded earlier.

 Click on" Lat of Location" and a pop up menu will appear - click on "Latitude"

  Click on" Long of Location" and a pop up menu will appear - click on "Longitude"

Click on "continue" and then click on " Location" and "Finish"

 Click on "style" to customise the appearance of the layer features on the map.

Click on the arrow key next to "base map" and choose "satellite" from the pop up menu.

Click on "style" then "individual style" and click on "temperatures

 You can then click on "ranges" and the colour you like to represent the temperature.

You can click on "data" to view and edit the data.

Video Turotial:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZYH36Hbii0

Very interested in creating the heat map and isotherms using GIS - will definitely share on this later as it seems a bit complex now.

Data representation in tourism

We created Scatter graphs and other graphs using infogr.am.

You can use the following link to calculate how far the country of origin of the tourists are from Singapore:
We created an account @ http://infogr.am/ - click on "create" and then click on any of the infographics template. 

Double click on the text box and type in your title

Delete the chart and add a new one by clicking on "add chart" as shown below.

 Choose the type of graph you want your data to be represented.

Double click to edit the chart.

Clear all the data.

After you cleared all data,  open the excel file as shown below. Copy and paste the data back to infogr.am

You can also create a map with the same data - click on "add a map"

Demo on land transect using Google Map engine - use the polygon to create the polygon indicating the landuse. you can locate the place by using Google map in which you can refer to the street scene to confirm the area which you are plotting is correct.

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